Thrive Cash Management Trust


The Thrive Cash  Management Trust offers clients the opportunity to place surplus cash in a  portfolio comprised of cash and investment grade fixed income securities  selected to generate a competitive income return.

Fund objective

The objective of the Thrive Cash Management Trust is to deliver an annualised income return superior to the Australia 3-month bank bill swap rate.

Portfolio allocation

The portfolio is to be comprised of cash and investment grade fixed income securities. The Fund Manager gives preference to fixed income securities with term-to-maturity less than 12-months.

Fund structure

Unlisted unit trust


Providence Equity Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 612 005 928 AFSL 487419

Fund manager

Thrive Investment Management Pty Ltd ACN 612 005 928 CAR 1303223

Unit price

$1.00 per unit

Investment amount

$500,000 – The Trustee has the discretion to accept an application for adifferent investment amount.

Investment term

The minimum  investment term is 6-months. Afterwards, withdrawal requests are accepted with 30-day notice.  

The Fund Manager recommends an investment term of at least 12-months.

Management fee

0.325% p.a. of FUM plus cost recovery.

Distribution policy

Distributions will be made on a monthly basis net of fees and expenses.

Benefits and risks
  • Upside
  • Exposure to fixed income securities rated by independent credit ratings agency
  • Target to outperform cash products offered by the Big-4 Banks
  • Downside
  • All investments carry risks and an investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit.
  • Withdrawals cannot be made at call.
What is the Thrive Cash Management Trust's primary objective?

To deliver an income return superior to the Australia 3-month bank bill swap rate (3-BBSW).

What is the intended allocation strategy for the Thrive Cash Management Trust as outlined by the Investment Manager?

Pursuant to the investment strategy of the Thrive Cash Management Trust, it is expected that Fund Assets will be comprised of interest-bearing deposits and fixed income securities.

How can I invest in the Thrive Cash Management Trust?

Contact our team for a copy of the Information Memorandum and Application Form to apply.

Open for subscription

This investment product is available exclusively to wholesale and sophisticated investors.

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